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FREE Webinar Series Launched!

SINCE 9/11 is excited to be launching our first webinar series “Confidence in Controversy” today!

Our FREE “Confidence in Controversy” webinar series will offer interactive online workshop-style sessions packed with expert advice and techniques from teachers and school leaders, on how to tackle controversial subjects across your school. Designed to support the SINCE 9/11 Education Programme, we want to help equip teachers with the tools and confidence to engage in topical classroom debate. In our sessions we will address:

  • Whole school approach to promoting tolerance and respect for all faiths and religions.
  •  Understanding the causes and consequences of terrorism and extremism.
  • Encouraging open dialogue amongst young people

We were pleased to welcome the guest speaker for our first ever webinar – Tom Llewellyn  Jones! Tom is an Educator from Tower Hamlets and gave his take on how they meet the requirements of the Prevent Duty in Tower Hamlets. He also shared cases of best practice on how to encourage topical debate in your school and whole school approaches to tackling extremism and radicalisation, as well as sharing advice on how to support parents. 

In the session we also explored the online threat of radicalisation from social media for young people and the formation of conspiracy theories!

Please find the recording for the session in the ‘Guidance for Teachers’ section under ‘SINCE 9/11 Webinar series”

Stay tuned for more info on our Guidance for Teachers page!